Course Length: (1 Days)
Tuition: $ 295.oo

Course Description

Any applicant who has successfully completed your Leadership and Teamworking Skills (ADAMSS-768) course will satisfy:

  • The Leadership and Teamworking Skills within 46 CFR 11.309; 46 CFR 11.319; 46 CFR 11.321; AND, the specific tasks from the National Assessment Guidelines found in NVIC 12-14 (Ch-1) (Tasks 17.1.A and 18.1.A-18.5.A), for an endorsement as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch.
  • The Leadership and Teamworking Skills within 46 CFR 11.329; AND, the specific tasks from the National Assessment Guidelines found in NVIC 17-14 (Tasks 15.1.A and16.1.A-16.4.A), for an endorsement as Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch.

Applicants are not required to present completed Task Control Sheets for these assessments in application for STCW certification.

Course Objectives

This course provides the training to the mariner necessary for them to meet STCW, U.S.C.G. or IMO requirements for Leadership and Teamworking.

  • The student will gain the ability to apply task and workload management.
  • Knowledge of related international maritime conventions, recommendations, and national legislations.
  • The student will gain knowledge on how to apply effective resource management, and the ability to apply positive decision making techniques.


*The course duration is 8 total hours of classroom lecture and final exam.


Course Schedule (1 Day) 0800-1700

Location Start Date ***DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE

Call to Schedule a class if not listed!

*Operational level licenses: If you need Bridge Resource Management Course, it generally will be scheduled prior to Leadership and Teamworking. Take both and receive a discount. (Check our pages or call for details)


Leadership & Teamworking Registration deposit


Your Registration/Deposit is non-refundable but, is transferable to any other class.

SKU: N/A Category:

Leadership & Teamworking Payment in full
